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Classes: Once per month, LondonSkateLife will hold a specific class for FirstTimers where we will provide the basics for better skating.  After your first donation, you can still come until you are able to Pass the Beginner Exam and claim your First Beginner Group Class for FREE (Exam VIDEO)

Attend this class, a minimum donation price of £12 (email us at [email protected] with the screenshot of the payment, and your phone number)

Wheels and Wheelchairs

We need you to fill out the registration form below to register your details for the class and please, use the same name that you made for the donation. We will add you to a WhatsApp group to share all the important info.

In case you have made a donation but can not come. We can’t hold your payment for further bookings. We do not provide skates, we recommend you to go to Slickwillies to get your skates and get ready. 

WheelsForGood” is an organisation born out of the knowledge that “with wheels, one could achieve inner freedom and be happier

We believe that skating is a sport that improves the physical and mental wellbeing of those who practice it; and also constitutes a practical transport system, since it is hands free. We use our free hands to help others.

Our mission is to: 

Help others gain independence and free from oppression, social injustice or any disablement that affects their day-to-day life.

Our immediate goals: We will collaborate with these funds to allow more people to get the right wheelchairs for Wheels and Wheelchairs activities and events.

T-Shirts and bags: We will sell exclusive LSLife t-shirts, and the profit will be donated to this cause.  

 “Wheels & Wheelchairs” is a group of wheelchair users and skaters who go out together as a group enjoying the sensory rush of speed and collaboration in accessible sport.

The wheelchair users are pushed by the skaters. They meet on Saturdays in Battersea Park, London, with the Easy Saturday Skate group.

Taking our rollerbladers and members with disabilities on longer adventures like roller marathons in Europe and on route-tested trips. 

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